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Common utilities for pgnet.

  1"""Common utilities for pgnet."""
  3from typing import Optional, Callable
  4from loguru import logger
  5import asyncio
  6import enum
  7import functools
  8import arrow
  9import json
 10from dataclasses import dataclass, field
 11import websockets
 12from websockets.legacy.protocol import WebSocketCommonProtocol as WebSocket
 13import nacl.public
 14from nacl.encoding import Base64Encoder
 17DEFAULT_PORT = 38929
 18ADMIN_USERNAME = "admin"
 22class Request:
 23    """Strings used as a message in `Packet` for common requests.
 25    It is recommended to use the `pgnet.Client` API instead of these. `Game` classes
 26    should avoid using the string values here as messages in a `Packet` - such packets
 27    will be specially handled by the server.
 29    In Python 3.11, this should be an `enum.StrEnum`.
 30    """
 32    # Normal requests
 33    HELP: str = "__pgnet__.help"
 34    """Request available commands."""
 35    GAME_DIR: str = "__pgnet__.game_dir"
 36    """Request the games directory."""
 37    JOIN_GAME: str = "__pgnet__.join_game"
 38    """Request to join a game."""
 39    LEAVE_GAME: str = "__pgnet__.leave_game"
 40    """Request to leave a game."""
 41    CREATE_GAME: str = "__pgnet__.create_game"
 42    """Request to create and join a game."""
 43    HEARTBEAT_UPDATE: str = "__pgnet__.heartbeat_update"
 44    """Request a heartbeat update from the game."""
 46    # Admin requests
 47    SHUTDOWN: str = "__pgnet__.shutdown"
 48    """Shutdown the server."""
 49    REGISTRATION: str = "__pgnet__.set_registration"
 50    """Configure registration."""
 51    CREATE_INVITE: str = "__pgnet__.create_invite"
 52    """Create an invite code."""
 53    DELETE_USER: str = "__pgnet__.delete_user"
 54    """Kick a username."""
 55    DESTROY_GAME: str = "__pgnet__.destroy_game"
 56    """Destroy a game."""
 57    SAVE: str = "__pgnet__.save"
 58    """Save server data to disk."""
 59    VERBOSE: str = "__pgnet__.set_verbose"
 60    """Configure logging verbosity."""
 61    DEBUG: str = "__pgnet__.debug"
 62    """Get debug info."""
 63    SLEEP: str = "__pgnet__.sleep"
 64    """Block entire server."""
 68class Status(enum.IntEnum):
 69    """Integer status codes for a `Response` to client requests.
 71    These are used internally by `pgnet.Server`. It is possible but not required to use
 72    these in games and clients.
 73    """
 75    OK: int = 0
 76    """Indicates success without issues."""
 77    BAD: int = 1
 78    """Indicates fatal error."""
 79    UNEXPECTED: int = 2
 80    """Indicates an issue."""
 83class DisconnectedError(Exception):
 84    """Raised when a connection has been or should be closed.
 86    The cause of the error is passed as the first argument as a string.
 87    """
 88    pass
 91class CipherError(Exception):
 92    """Raised when failing to encrypt plaintext or decrypt ciphertext."""
 93    pass
 97class Packet:
 98    """The dataclass used to send messages from client to server.
100    Clients need only concern themselves with `Packet.message` and `Packet.payload`.
101    """
103    message: str
104    """Message text."""
105    payload: dict = field(default_factory=dict, repr=False)
106    """Dictionary of arbitrary data. Must be JSON-able."""
107    created_on: Optional[str] = None
108    """The creation time of the packet."""
109    username: Optional[str] = field(default=None, repr=False)
110    """Used by the server for identification.
112    Setting this on the client side has no effect.
113    """
115    def __post_init__(self):
116        """Set creation date."""
117        self.created_on = self.created_on or arrow.now().for_json()
119    def serialize(self) -> str:
120        """Convert into a string."""
121        data = {k: getattr(self, k) for k in self.__dataclass_fields__.keys()}
122        try:
123            return json.dumps(data)
124        except Exception as e:
125            m = f"Failed to serialize. See above exception.\n{self.debug_repr}"
126            raise TypeError(m) from e
128    @classmethod
129    def deserialize(cls, raw_data: str, /) -> "Packet":
130        """Convert a string into a Packet."""
131        try:
132            data = json.loads(raw_data)
133        except Exception as e:
134            m = f"Failed to deserialize. See above exception.\n{raw_data=}"
135            raise TypeError(m) from e
136        return cls(**data)
138    @property
139    def debug_repr(self) -> str:
140        """Repr with more data."""
141        return f"{self!r}+{self.payload}"
145class Response:
146    """The dataclass used to respond from server to client.
148    Games and Clients need only concern themselves with `Response.message`,
149    `Response.payload`, and `Response.status`.
150    """
152    message: str
153    """Message text."""
154    payload: dict = field(default_factory=dict, repr=False)
155    """Dictionary of arbitrary data. Must be JSON-able."""
156    status: int = Status.OK
157    """`Status` code for handling the request that this is responding to."""
158    created_on: Optional[str] = None
159    """The creation time of the packet."""
160    disconnecting: bool = field(default=False, repr=False)
161    """Used by the server to notify the client that the connection is being closed."""
162    game: Optional[str] = field(default=None, repr=False)
163    """Used by the server to notify the client of their current game name."""
165    def __post_init__(self):
166        """Set creation date."""
167        self.created_on = self.created_on or arrow.now().for_json()
169    def serialize(self) -> str:
170        """Convert into a string."""
171        data = {k: getattr(self, k) for k in self.__dataclass_fields__.keys()}
172        try:
173            return json.dumps(data)
174        except Exception as e:
175            m = f"Failed to serialize. See above exception.\n{self.debug_repr}"
176            raise TypeError(m) from e
178    @classmethod
179    def deserialize(cls, raw_data: str, /) -> "Response":
180        """Convert a string into a Response."""
181        try:
182            data = json.loads(raw_data)
183        except Exception as e:
184            m = f"Failed to deserialize. See above exception.\n{raw_data=}"
185            raise TypeError(m) from e
186        return cls(**data)
188    @property
189    def debug_repr(self) -> str:
190        """Repr with more data."""
191        return (
192            f"{self!r}(game={self.game!r}, disconnecting={self.disconnecting})"
193            f"+{self.payload}"
194        )
197class Tunnel:
198    """A shared key for end to end encryption of strings.
200    Given a personal private key and an external public key, will encrypt
201    and decrypt string messages. Tunnels should be obtained via a `Key` class.
202    See `Key` class  documentation for more details.
203    """
204    def __init__(self, priv: nacl.public.PrivateKey, pubkey: str):
205        """See class documentation for more details."""
206        pub = nacl.public.PublicKey(pubkey.encode(), encoder=Base64Encoder)
207        self._box = nacl.public.Box(priv, pub)
208        self._pubkey = pubkey  # For the repr
210    def encrypt(self, plaintext: str) -> str:
211        """Encrypt a message."""
212        try:
213            encrypted_message = self._box.encrypt(
214                plaintext.encode(),
215                encoder=Base64Encoder,
216            )
217            ciphertext = encrypted_message.decode()
218            return ciphertext
219        except Exception as e:
220            raise CipherError("Failed to encrypt the plaintext.") from e
222    def decrypt(self, ciphertext: str) -> str:
223        """Decrypt a message."""
224        try:
225            ciphertext = ciphertext.encode()
226            plaintext = self._box.decrypt(ciphertext, encoder=Base64Encoder).decode()
227            return plaintext
228        except Exception as e:
229            raise CipherError("Failed to decrypt the ciphertext.") from e
231    def __repr__(self) -> str:
232        """Object repr."""
233        return f"<{self.__class__.__qualname__} pubkey={self._pubkey[:6]}...>"
236class Key:
237    """A key manager for end to end encryption of strings.
239    Each instance of this class represents a private-public key pair. It can also
240    generate a `Tunnel` (shared key) with other public keys by using `Key.get_tunnel`.
241    These let you encrypt and decrypt messages with other public keys.
243    The `Key` and `Tunnel` classes are thin wrappers around `pynacl`'s `PrivateKey` and
244    `Box` classes that can handle public keys and messages as strings.
245    """
247    def __init__(self):
248        """See class documentation for details."""
249        self._private_key = nacl.public.PrivateKey.generate()
250        self._public_key = self._private_key.public_key
251        self._tunnels: dict[str, Tunnel] = {}
253    @property
254    def pubkey(self) -> str:
255        """The public key in string format."""
256        return self._public_key.encode(encoder=Base64Encoder).decode()
258    def get_tunnel(self, pubkey: str) -> Tunnel:
259        """Get a `Tunnel` for a given pubkey."""
260        tunnel = self._tunnels.get(pubkey)
261        if not tunnel:
262            tunnel = self._tunnels[pubkey] = Tunnel(self._private_key, pubkey)
263        return tunnel
265    def __repr__(self) -> str:
266        """Object repr."""
267        return f"<{self.__class__.__qualname__} pubkey={self.pubkey}>"
271class Connection:
272    """Wrapper for `websocket` with end to end encryption.
274    Methods will raise a `DisconnectedError` with the reason for failing to communicate
275    with the websocket.
276    """
278    websocket: WebSocket = field(repr=False)
279    """The websocket of this connection."""
280    tunnel: Optional[Tunnel] = None
281    """The `Tunnel` assigned for this connection.
283    If set, packets sent and responses received will be encrypted and decrypted using
284    the tunnel.
285    """
286    remote: str = ""
287    """Full address of the other end of the connection."""
289    def __post_init__(self):
290        """Set the remote from the websocket."""
291        address, port, *_ = self.websocket.remote_address
292        if address == "::1":
293            address = "localhost"
294        self.remote = f"{address}:{port}"
296    @staticmethod
297    def _exception_disconnect(f: Callable, /):
298        """Decorator raising `DisconnecetedError` on connection or cipher exceptions."""
299        @functools.wraps(f)
300        async def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
301            try:
302                return await f(*args, **kwargs)
303            except websockets.exceptions.ConnectionClosed as e:
304                raise DisconnectedError("Connection closed.") from e
305            except asyncio.exceptions.TimeoutError as e:
306                raise DisconnectedError("Connection timed out.") from e
307            except CipherError as e:
308                raise DisconnectedError("Failed to encrypt message.") from e
309        return wrapper
311    @_exception_disconnect
312    async def send(self, message: str, /, *, timeout: float = 5.0):
313        """Send a string to `Connection.websocket`.
315        Will be encrypted using `Connection.tunnel` if set.
316        """
317        if self.tunnel:
318            message = self.tunnel.encrypt(message)
319        await asyncio.wait_for(self.websocket.send(message), timeout=timeout)
321    @_exception_disconnect
322    async def recv(self, *, timeout: float = 5.0) -> str:
323        """Receive a string from `Connection.websocket`.
325        Will be decrypted using `Connection.tunnel` if set.
326        """
327        message: str = await asyncio.wait_for(self.websocket.recv(), timeout=timeout)
328        if self.tunnel:
329            message = self.tunnel.decrypt(message)
330        return message
332    async def close(self):
333        """Close the websocket."""
334        await self.websocket.close()
337class Game:
338    """Subclass to implement game logic.
340    This class should not be initialized directly, it is initialized by the server.
341    """
343    persistent: bool = False
344    """Set as persistent to allow the game to persist even without players.
346    This is required for saving and loading (see also: `Game.get_save_string`).
347    """
348    heartbeat_rate: float = 10
349    """How many times per second the client should check for updates.
351    See `Game.handle_heartbeat`.
352    """
354    def __init__(self, name: str, save_string: Optional[str] = None):
355        """The server initializes this class for every game started.
357        Args:
358            name: Game instance name.
359            save_string: Game data loaded from disk from last server session as given by
360                `Game.get_save_string`.
361        """
362        pass
364    def user_joined(self, username: str):
365        """Called when a user joins the game."""
366        pass
368    def user_left(self, username: str):
369        """Called when a user leaves the game."""
370        pass
372    def handle_packet(self, packet: Packet) -> Response:
373        """Packet handling for heartbeat updates and game requests.
375        Most use cases should override `Game.handle_game_packet` and
376        `Game.handle_heartbeat` instead of this method.
377        """
378        if packet.message == Request.HEARTBEAT_UPDATE:
379            return self.handle_heartbeat(packet)
380        return self.handle_game_packet(packet)
382    def handle_game_packet(self, packet: Packet) -> Response:
383        """Override this method to implement packet handling.
385        See also: `pgnet.Client.send`.
386        """
387        return Response(
388            f"No packet handling configured for {self.__class__.__qualname__}",
389            status=Status.UNEXPECTED,
390        )
392    def handle_heartbeat(self, packet: Packet) -> Response:
393        """Override this method to implement heartbeat updates.
395        See also: `Game.heartbeat_rate`, `pgnet.Client.heartbeat_payload`,
396        `pgnet.Client.on_heartbeat`.
397        """
398        return Response(
399            f"No heartbeat update configured for {self.__class__.__qualname__}"
400        )
402    def get_save_string(self) -> str:
403        """Override this method to save game data to disk.
405        If `Game.persistent`, this method is called by the server periodically and when
406        shutting down. In the next session, the server will recreate the game with this
407        string passed as *`save_string`* to `Game.__init__`.
409        .. note:: `pgnet.Server` must be configured to enable saving and loading.
410        """
411        return ""
413    def get_lobby_info(self) -> str:
414        """Override this method to post public game info in lobby.
416        This will be used to give users more information about a game before joining.
417        """
418        return ""
420    def update(self):
421        """Called on an interval by the server.
423        Override this method to implement background game logic tasks.
424        """
425        pass
428def enable_logging(enable: bool = True, /):
429    """Enable/disable logging from the PGNet library."""
430    if enable:
431        logger.enable("pgnet")
432    else:
433        logger.disable("pgnet")
436__all__ = (
437    "Game",
438    "Packet",
439    "Response",
440    "Status",
441    "Request",
442    "Tunnel",
443    "Key",
444    "Connection",
445    "CipherError",
446    "DisconnectedError",
447    "enable_logging",
class Game:
338class Game:
339    """Subclass to implement game logic.
341    This class should not be initialized directly, it is initialized by the server.
342    """
344    persistent: bool = False
345    """Set as persistent to allow the game to persist even without players.
347    This is required for saving and loading (see also: `Game.get_save_string`).
348    """
349    heartbeat_rate: float = 10
350    """How many times per second the client should check for updates.
352    See `Game.handle_heartbeat`.
353    """
355    def __init__(self, name: str, save_string: Optional[str] = None):
356        """The server initializes this class for every game started.
358        Args:
359            name: Game instance name.
360            save_string: Game data loaded from disk from last server session as given by
361                `Game.get_save_string`.
362        """
363        pass
365    def user_joined(self, username: str):
366        """Called when a user joins the game."""
367        pass
369    def user_left(self, username: str):
370        """Called when a user leaves the game."""
371        pass
373    def handle_packet(self, packet: Packet) -> Response:
374        """Packet handling for heartbeat updates and game requests.
376        Most use cases should override `Game.handle_game_packet` and
377        `Game.handle_heartbeat` instead of this method.
378        """
379        if packet.message == Request.HEARTBEAT_UPDATE:
380            return self.handle_heartbeat(packet)
381        return self.handle_game_packet(packet)
383    def handle_game_packet(self, packet: Packet) -> Response:
384        """Override this method to implement packet handling.
386        See also: `pgnet.Client.send`.
387        """
388        return Response(
389            f"No packet handling configured for {self.__class__.__qualname__}",
390            status=Status.UNEXPECTED,
391        )
393    def handle_heartbeat(self, packet: Packet) -> Response:
394        """Override this method to implement heartbeat updates.
396        See also: `Game.heartbeat_rate`, `pgnet.Client.heartbeat_payload`,
397        `pgnet.Client.on_heartbeat`.
398        """
399        return Response(
400            f"No heartbeat update configured for {self.__class__.__qualname__}"
401        )
403    def get_save_string(self) -> str:
404        """Override this method to save game data to disk.
406        If `Game.persistent`, this method is called by the server periodically and when
407        shutting down. In the next session, the server will recreate the game with this
408        string passed as *`save_string`* to `Game.__init__`.
410        .. note:: `pgnet.Server` must be configured to enable saving and loading.
411        """
412        return ""
414    def get_lobby_info(self) -> str:
415        """Override this method to post public game info in lobby.
417        This will be used to give users more information about a game before joining.
418        """
419        return ""
421    def update(self):
422        """Called on an interval by the server.
424        Override this method to implement background game logic tasks.
425        """
426        pass

Subclass to implement game logic.

This class should not be initialized directly, it is initialized by the server.

Game(name: str, save_string: Optional[str] = None)
355    def __init__(self, name: str, save_string: Optional[str] = None):
356        """The server initializes this class for every game started.
358        Args:
359            name: Game instance name.
360            save_string: Game data loaded from disk from last server session as given by
361                `Game.get_save_string`.
362        """
363        pass

The server initializes this class for every game started.

  • name: Game instance name.
  • save_string: Game data loaded from disk from last server session as given by Game.get_save_string.
persistent: bool = False

Set as persistent to allow the game to persist even without players.

This is required for saving and loading (see also: Game.get_save_string).

heartbeat_rate: float = 10

How many times per second the client should check for updates.

See Game.handle_heartbeat.

def user_joined(self, username: str):
365    def user_joined(self, username: str):
366        """Called when a user joins the game."""
367        pass

Called when a user joins the game.

def user_left(self, username: str):
369    def user_left(self, username: str):
370        """Called when a user leaves the game."""
371        pass

Called when a user leaves the game.

def handle_packet(self, packet: pgnet.util.Packet) -> pgnet.util.Response:
373    def handle_packet(self, packet: Packet) -> Response:
374        """Packet handling for heartbeat updates and game requests.
376        Most use cases should override `Game.handle_game_packet` and
377        `Game.handle_heartbeat` instead of this method.
378        """
379        if packet.message == Request.HEARTBEAT_UPDATE:
380            return self.handle_heartbeat(packet)
381        return self.handle_game_packet(packet)

Packet handling for heartbeat updates and game requests.

Most use cases should override Game.handle_game_packet and Game.handle_heartbeat instead of this method.

def handle_game_packet(self, packet: pgnet.util.Packet) -> pgnet.util.Response:
383    def handle_game_packet(self, packet: Packet) -> Response:
384        """Override this method to implement packet handling.
386        See also: `pgnet.Client.send`.
387        """
388        return Response(
389            f"No packet handling configured for {self.__class__.__qualname__}",
390            status=Status.UNEXPECTED,
391        )

Override this method to implement packet handling.

See also: pgnet.Client.send.

def handle_heartbeat(self, packet: pgnet.util.Packet) -> pgnet.util.Response:
393    def handle_heartbeat(self, packet: Packet) -> Response:
394        """Override this method to implement heartbeat updates.
396        See also: `Game.heartbeat_rate`, `pgnet.Client.heartbeat_payload`,
397        `pgnet.Client.on_heartbeat`.
398        """
399        return Response(
400            f"No heartbeat update configured for {self.__class__.__qualname__}"
401        )

Override this method to implement heartbeat updates.

See also: Game.heartbeat_rate, pgnet.Client.heartbeat_payload, pgnet.Client.on_heartbeat.

def get_save_string(self) -> str:
403    def get_save_string(self) -> str:
404        """Override this method to save game data to disk.
406        If `Game.persistent`, this method is called by the server periodically and when
407        shutting down. In the next session, the server will recreate the game with this
408        string passed as *`save_string`* to `Game.__init__`.
410        .. note:: `pgnet.Server` must be configured to enable saving and loading.
411        """
412        return ""

Override this method to save game data to disk.

If Game.persistent, this method is called by the server periodically and when shutting down. In the next session, the server will recreate the game with this string passed as save_string to Game.__init__.

pgnet.Server must be configured to enable saving and loading.
def get_lobby_info(self) -> str:
414    def get_lobby_info(self) -> str:
415        """Override this method to post public game info in lobby.
417        This will be used to give users more information about a game before joining.
418        """
419        return ""

Override this method to post public game info in lobby.

This will be used to give users more information about a game before joining.

def update(self):
421    def update(self):
422        """Called on an interval by the server.
424        Override this method to implement background game logic tasks.
425        """
426        pass

Called on an interval by the server.

Override this method to implement background game logic tasks.

class Packet:
 98class Packet:
 99    """The dataclass used to send messages from client to server.
101    Clients need only concern themselves with `Packet.message` and `Packet.payload`.
102    """
104    message: str
105    """Message text."""
106    payload: dict = field(default_factory=dict, repr=False)
107    """Dictionary of arbitrary data. Must be JSON-able."""
108    created_on: Optional[str] = None
109    """The creation time of the packet."""
110    username: Optional[str] = field(default=None, repr=False)
111    """Used by the server for identification.
113    Setting this on the client side has no effect.
114    """
116    def __post_init__(self):
117        """Set creation date."""
118        self.created_on = self.created_on or arrow.now().for_json()
120    def serialize(self) -> str:
121        """Convert into a string."""
122        data = {k: getattr(self, k) for k in self.__dataclass_fields__.keys()}
123        try:
124            return json.dumps(data)
125        except Exception as e:
126            m = f"Failed to serialize. See above exception.\n{self.debug_repr}"
127            raise TypeError(m) from e
129    @classmethod
130    def deserialize(cls, raw_data: str, /) -> "Packet":
131        """Convert a string into a Packet."""
132        try:
133            data = json.loads(raw_data)
134        except Exception as e:
135            m = f"Failed to deserialize. See above exception.\n{raw_data=}"
136            raise TypeError(m) from e
137        return cls(**data)
139    @property
140    def debug_repr(self) -> str:
141        """Repr with more data."""
142        return f"{self!r}+{self.payload}"

The dataclass used to send messages from client to server.

Clients need only concern themselves with Packet.message and Packet.payload.

Packet( message: str, payload: dict = <factory>, created_on: Optional[str] = None, username: Optional[str] = None)
message: str

Message text.

payload: dict

Dictionary of arbitrary data. Must be JSON-able.

created_on: Optional[str] = None

The creation time of the packet.

username: Optional[str] = None

Used by the server for identification.

Setting this on the client side has no effect.

def serialize(self) -> str:
120    def serialize(self) -> str:
121        """Convert into a string."""
122        data = {k: getattr(self, k) for k in self.__dataclass_fields__.keys()}
123        try:
124            return json.dumps(data)
125        except Exception as e:
126            m = f"Failed to serialize. See above exception.\n{self.debug_repr}"
127            raise TypeError(m) from e

Convert into a string.

def deserialize(cls, raw_data: str, /) -> pgnet.util.Packet:
129    @classmethod
130    def deserialize(cls, raw_data: str, /) -> "Packet":
131        """Convert a string into a Packet."""
132        try:
133            data = json.loads(raw_data)
134        except Exception as e:
135            m = f"Failed to deserialize. See above exception.\n{raw_data=}"
136            raise TypeError(m) from e
137        return cls(**data)

Convert a string into a Packet.

debug_repr: str

Repr with more data.

class Response:
146class Response:
147    """The dataclass used to respond from server to client.
149    Games and Clients need only concern themselves with `Response.message`,
150    `Response.payload`, and `Response.status`.
151    """
153    message: str
154    """Message text."""
155    payload: dict = field(default_factory=dict, repr=False)
156    """Dictionary of arbitrary data. Must be JSON-able."""
157    status: int = Status.OK
158    """`Status` code for handling the request that this is responding to."""
159    created_on: Optional[str] = None
160    """The creation time of the packet."""
161    disconnecting: bool = field(default=False, repr=False)
162    """Used by the server to notify the client that the connection is being closed."""
163    game: Optional[str] = field(default=None, repr=False)
164    """Used by the server to notify the client of their current game name."""
166    def __post_init__(self):
167        """Set creation date."""
168        self.created_on = self.created_on or arrow.now().for_json()
170    def serialize(self) -> str:
171        """Convert into a string."""
172        data = {k: getattr(self, k) for k in self.__dataclass_fields__.keys()}
173        try:
174            return json.dumps(data)
175        except Exception as e:
176            m = f"Failed to serialize. See above exception.\n{self.debug_repr}"
177            raise TypeError(m) from e
179    @classmethod
180    def deserialize(cls, raw_data: str, /) -> "Response":
181        """Convert a string into a Response."""
182        try:
183            data = json.loads(raw_data)
184        except Exception as e:
185            m = f"Failed to deserialize. See above exception.\n{raw_data=}"
186            raise TypeError(m) from e
187        return cls(**data)
189    @property
190    def debug_repr(self) -> str:
191        """Repr with more data."""
192        return (
193            f"{self!r}(game={self.game!r}, disconnecting={self.disconnecting})"
194            f"+{self.payload}"
195        )

The dataclass used to respond from server to client.

Games and Clients need only concern themselves with Response.message, Response.payload, and Response.status.

Response( message: str, payload: dict = <factory>, status: int = <Status.OK: 0>, created_on: Optional[str] = None, disconnecting: bool = False, game: Optional[str] = None)
message: str

Message text.

payload: dict

Dictionary of arbitrary data. Must be JSON-able.

status: int = <Status.OK: 0>

Status code for handling the request that this is responding to.

created_on: Optional[str] = None

The creation time of the packet.

disconnecting: bool = False

Used by the server to notify the client that the connection is being closed.

game: Optional[str] = None

Used by the server to notify the client of their current game name.

def serialize(self) -> str:
170    def serialize(self) -> str:
171        """Convert into a string."""
172        data = {k: getattr(self, k) for k in self.__dataclass_fields__.keys()}
173        try:
174            return json.dumps(data)
175        except Exception as e:
176            m = f"Failed to serialize. See above exception.\n{self.debug_repr}"
177            raise TypeError(m) from e

Convert into a string.

def deserialize(cls, raw_data: str, /) -> pgnet.util.Response:
179    @classmethod
180    def deserialize(cls, raw_data: str, /) -> "Response":
181        """Convert a string into a Response."""
182        try:
183            data = json.loads(raw_data)
184        except Exception as e:
185            m = f"Failed to deserialize. See above exception.\n{raw_data=}"
186            raise TypeError(m) from e
187        return cls(**data)

Convert a string into a Response.

debug_repr: str

Repr with more data.

class Status(enum.IntEnum):
69class Status(enum.IntEnum):
70    """Integer status codes for a `Response` to client requests.
72    These are used internally by `pgnet.Server`. It is possible but not required to use
73    these in games and clients.
74    """
76    OK: int = 0
77    """Indicates success without issues."""
78    BAD: int = 1
79    """Indicates fatal error."""
80    UNEXPECTED: int = 2
81    """Indicates an issue."""

Integer status codes for a Response to client requests.

These are used internally by pgnet.Server. It is possible but not required to use these in games and clients.

OK: int = <Status.OK: 0>

Indicates success without issues.

BAD: int = <Status.BAD: 1>

Indicates fatal error.


Indicates an issue.

Inherited Members
class Request:
23class Request:
24    """Strings used as a message in `Packet` for common requests.
26    It is recommended to use the `pgnet.Client` API instead of these. `Game` classes
27    should avoid using the string values here as messages in a `Packet` - such packets
28    will be specially handled by the server.
30    In Python 3.11, this should be an `enum.StrEnum`.
31    """
33    # Normal requests
34    HELP: str = "__pgnet__.help"
35    """Request available commands."""
36    GAME_DIR: str = "__pgnet__.game_dir"
37    """Request the games directory."""
38    JOIN_GAME: str = "__pgnet__.join_game"
39    """Request to join a game."""
40    LEAVE_GAME: str = "__pgnet__.leave_game"
41    """Request to leave a game."""
42    CREATE_GAME: str = "__pgnet__.create_game"
43    """Request to create and join a game."""
44    HEARTBEAT_UPDATE: str = "__pgnet__.heartbeat_update"
45    """Request a heartbeat update from the game."""
47    # Admin requests
48    SHUTDOWN: str = "__pgnet__.shutdown"
49    """Shutdown the server."""
50    REGISTRATION: str = "__pgnet__.set_registration"
51    """Configure registration."""
52    CREATE_INVITE: str = "__pgnet__.create_invite"
53    """Create an invite code."""
54    DELETE_USER: str = "__pgnet__.delete_user"
55    """Kick a username."""
56    DESTROY_GAME: str = "__pgnet__.destroy_game"
57    """Destroy a game."""
58    SAVE: str = "__pgnet__.save"
59    """Save server data to disk."""
60    VERBOSE: str = "__pgnet__.set_verbose"
61    """Configure logging verbosity."""
62    DEBUG: str = "__pgnet__.debug"
63    """Get debug info."""
64    SLEEP: str = "__pgnet__.sleep"
65    """Block entire server."""

Strings used as a message in Packet for common requests.

It is recommended to use the pgnet.Client API instead of these. Game classes should avoid using the string values here as messages in a Packet - such packets will be specially handled by the server.

In Python 3.11, this should be an enum.StrEnum.

HELP: str = '__pgnet__.help'

Request available commands.

GAME_DIR: str = '__pgnet__.game_dir'

Request the games directory.

JOIN_GAME: str = '__pgnet__.join_game'

Request to join a game.

LEAVE_GAME: str = '__pgnet__.leave_game'

Request to leave a game.

CREATE_GAME: str = '__pgnet__.create_game'

Request to create and join a game.

HEARTBEAT_UPDATE: str = '__pgnet__.heartbeat_update'

Request a heartbeat update from the game.

SHUTDOWN: str = '__pgnet__.shutdown'

Shutdown the server.

REGISTRATION: str = '__pgnet__.set_registration'

Configure registration.

CREATE_INVITE: str = '__pgnet__.create_invite'

Create an invite code.

DELETE_USER: str = '__pgnet__.delete_user'

Kick a username.

DESTROY_GAME: str = '__pgnet__.destroy_game'

Destroy a game.

SAVE: str = '__pgnet__.save'

Save server data to disk.

VERBOSE: str = '__pgnet__.set_verbose'

Configure logging verbosity.

DEBUG: str = '__pgnet__.debug'

Get debug info.

SLEEP: str = '__pgnet__.sleep'

Block entire server.

class Tunnel:
198class Tunnel:
199    """A shared key for end to end encryption of strings.
201    Given a personal private key and an external public key, will encrypt
202    and decrypt string messages. Tunnels should be obtained via a `Key` class.
203    See `Key` class  documentation for more details.
204    """
205    def __init__(self, priv: nacl.public.PrivateKey, pubkey: str):
206        """See class documentation for more details."""
207        pub = nacl.public.PublicKey(pubkey.encode(), encoder=Base64Encoder)
208        self._box = nacl.public.Box(priv, pub)
209        self._pubkey = pubkey  # For the repr
211    def encrypt(self, plaintext: str) -> str:
212        """Encrypt a message."""
213        try:
214            encrypted_message = self._box.encrypt(
215                plaintext.encode(),
216                encoder=Base64Encoder,
217            )
218            ciphertext = encrypted_message.decode()
219            return ciphertext
220        except Exception as e:
221            raise CipherError("Failed to encrypt the plaintext.") from e
223    def decrypt(self, ciphertext: str) -> str:
224        """Decrypt a message."""
225        try:
226            ciphertext = ciphertext.encode()
227            plaintext = self._box.decrypt(ciphertext, encoder=Base64Encoder).decode()
228            return plaintext
229        except Exception as e:
230            raise CipherError("Failed to decrypt the ciphertext.") from e
232    def __repr__(self) -> str:
233        """Object repr."""
234        return f"<{self.__class__.__qualname__} pubkey={self._pubkey[:6]}...>"

A shared key for end to end encryption of strings.

Given a personal private key and an external public key, will encrypt and decrypt string messages. Tunnels should be obtained via a Key class. See Key class documentation for more details.

Tunnel(priv: nacl.public.PrivateKey, pubkey: str)
205    def __init__(self, priv: nacl.public.PrivateKey, pubkey: str):
206        """See class documentation for more details."""
207        pub = nacl.public.PublicKey(pubkey.encode(), encoder=Base64Encoder)
208        self._box = nacl.public.Box(priv, pub)
209        self._pubkey = pubkey  # For the repr

See class documentation for more details.

def encrypt(self, plaintext: str) -> str:
211    def encrypt(self, plaintext: str) -> str:
212        """Encrypt a message."""
213        try:
214            encrypted_message = self._box.encrypt(
215                plaintext.encode(),
216                encoder=Base64Encoder,
217            )
218            ciphertext = encrypted_message.decode()
219            return ciphertext
220        except Exception as e:
221            raise CipherError("Failed to encrypt the plaintext.") from e

Encrypt a message.

def decrypt(self, ciphertext: str) -> str:
223    def decrypt(self, ciphertext: str) -> str:
224        """Decrypt a message."""
225        try:
226            ciphertext = ciphertext.encode()
227            plaintext = self._box.decrypt(ciphertext, encoder=Base64Encoder).decode()
228            return plaintext
229        except Exception as e:
230            raise CipherError("Failed to decrypt the ciphertext.") from e

Decrypt a message.

class Key:
237class Key:
238    """A key manager for end to end encryption of strings.
240    Each instance of this class represents a private-public key pair. It can also
241    generate a `Tunnel` (shared key) with other public keys by using `Key.get_tunnel`.
242    These let you encrypt and decrypt messages with other public keys.
244    The `Key` and `Tunnel` classes are thin wrappers around `pynacl`'s `PrivateKey` and
245    `Box` classes that can handle public keys and messages as strings.
246    """
248    def __init__(self):
249        """See class documentation for details."""
250        self._private_key = nacl.public.PrivateKey.generate()
251        self._public_key = self._private_key.public_key
252        self._tunnels: dict[str, Tunnel] = {}
254    @property
255    def pubkey(self) -> str:
256        """The public key in string format."""
257        return self._public_key.encode(encoder=Base64Encoder).decode()
259    def get_tunnel(self, pubkey: str) -> Tunnel:
260        """Get a `Tunnel` for a given pubkey."""
261        tunnel = self._tunnels.get(pubkey)
262        if not tunnel:
263            tunnel = self._tunnels[pubkey] = Tunnel(self._private_key, pubkey)
264        return tunnel
266    def __repr__(self) -> str:
267        """Object repr."""
268        return f"<{self.__class__.__qualname__} pubkey={self.pubkey}>"

A key manager for end to end encryption of strings.

Each instance of this class represents a private-public key pair. It can also generate a Tunnel (shared key) with other public keys by using Key.get_tunnel. These let you encrypt and decrypt messages with other public keys.

The Key and Tunnel classes are thin wrappers around pynacl's PrivateKey and Box classes that can handle public keys and messages as strings.

248    def __init__(self):
249        """See class documentation for details."""
250        self._private_key = nacl.public.PrivateKey.generate()
251        self._public_key = self._private_key.public_key
252        self._tunnels: dict[str, Tunnel] = {}

See class documentation for details.

pubkey: str

The public key in string format.

def get_tunnel(self, pubkey: str) -> pgnet.util.Tunnel:
259    def get_tunnel(self, pubkey: str) -> Tunnel:
260        """Get a `Tunnel` for a given pubkey."""
261        tunnel = self._tunnels.get(pubkey)
262        if not tunnel:
263            tunnel = self._tunnels[pubkey] = Tunnel(self._private_key, pubkey)
264        return tunnel

Get a Tunnel for a given pubkey.

class Connection:
272class Connection:
273    """Wrapper for `websocket` with end to end encryption.
275    Methods will raise a `DisconnectedError` with the reason for failing to communicate
276    with the websocket.
277    """
279    websocket: WebSocket = field(repr=False)
280    """The websocket of this connection."""
281    tunnel: Optional[Tunnel] = None
282    """The `Tunnel` assigned for this connection.
284    If set, packets sent and responses received will be encrypted and decrypted using
285    the tunnel.
286    """
287    remote: str = ""
288    """Full address of the other end of the connection."""
290    def __post_init__(self):
291        """Set the remote from the websocket."""
292        address, port, *_ = self.websocket.remote_address
293        if address == "::1":
294            address = "localhost"
295        self.remote = f"{address}:{port}"
297    @staticmethod
298    def _exception_disconnect(f: Callable, /):
299        """Decorator raising `DisconnecetedError` on connection or cipher exceptions."""
300        @functools.wraps(f)
301        async def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
302            try:
303                return await f(*args, **kwargs)
304            except websockets.exceptions.ConnectionClosed as e:
305                raise DisconnectedError("Connection closed.") from e
306            except asyncio.exceptions.TimeoutError as e:
307                raise DisconnectedError("Connection timed out.") from e
308            except CipherError as e:
309                raise DisconnectedError("Failed to encrypt message.") from e
310        return wrapper
312    @_exception_disconnect
313    async def send(self, message: str, /, *, timeout: float = 5.0):
314        """Send a string to `Connection.websocket`.
316        Will be encrypted using `Connection.tunnel` if set.
317        """
318        if self.tunnel:
319            message = self.tunnel.encrypt(message)
320        await asyncio.wait_for(self.websocket.send(message), timeout=timeout)
322    @_exception_disconnect
323    async def recv(self, *, timeout: float = 5.0) -> str:
324        """Receive a string from `Connection.websocket`.
326        Will be decrypted using `Connection.tunnel` if set.
327        """
328        message: str = await asyncio.wait_for(self.websocket.recv(), timeout=timeout)
329        if self.tunnel:
330            message = self.tunnel.decrypt(message)
331        return message
333    async def close(self):
334        """Close the websocket."""
335        await self.websocket.close()

Wrapper for websocket with end to end encryption.

Methods will raise a DisconnectedError with the reason for failing to communicate with the websocket.

Connection( websocket: websockets.legacy.protocol.WebSocketCommonProtocol, tunnel: Optional[pgnet.util.Tunnel] = None, remote: str = '')
websocket: websockets.legacy.protocol.WebSocketCommonProtocol

The websocket of this connection.

tunnel: Optional[pgnet.util.Tunnel] = None

The Tunnel assigned for this connection.

If set, packets sent and responses received will be encrypted and decrypted using the tunnel.

remote: str = ''

Full address of the other end of the connection.

async def send(self, message: str, /, *, timeout: float = 5.0):
312    @_exception_disconnect
313    async def send(self, message: str, /, *, timeout: float = 5.0):
314        """Send a string to `Connection.websocket`.
316        Will be encrypted using `Connection.tunnel` if set.
317        """
318        if self.tunnel:
319            message = self.tunnel.encrypt(message)
320        await asyncio.wait_for(self.websocket.send(message), timeout=timeout)

Send a string to Connection.websocket.

Will be encrypted using Connection.tunnel if set.

async def recv(self, *, timeout: float = 5.0) -> str:
322    @_exception_disconnect
323    async def recv(self, *, timeout: float = 5.0) -> str:
324        """Receive a string from `Connection.websocket`.
326        Will be decrypted using `Connection.tunnel` if set.
327        """
328        message: str = await asyncio.wait_for(self.websocket.recv(), timeout=timeout)
329        if self.tunnel:
330            message = self.tunnel.decrypt(message)
331        return message

Receive a string from Connection.websocket.

Will be decrypted using Connection.tunnel if set.

async def close(self):
333    async def close(self):
334        """Close the websocket."""
335        await self.websocket.close()

Close the websocket.

class CipherError(builtins.Exception):
92class CipherError(Exception):
93    """Raised when failing to encrypt plaintext or decrypt ciphertext."""
94    pass

Raised when failing to encrypt plaintext or decrypt ciphertext.

Inherited Members
class DisconnectedError(builtins.Exception):
84class DisconnectedError(Exception):
85    """Raised when a connection has been or should be closed.
87    The cause of the error is passed as the first argument as a string.
88    """
89    pass

Raised when a connection has been or should be closed.

The cause of the error is passed as the first argument as a string.

Inherited Members
def enable_logging(enable: bool = True, /):
429def enable_logging(enable: bool = True, /):
430    """Enable/disable logging from the PGNet library."""
431    if enable:
432        logger.enable("pgnet")
433    else:
434        logger.disable("pgnet")

Enable/disable logging from the PGNet library.